Street Note

Street Note:
Twenty-hundred Diamond
by Akin Osho Bosede
Re-PLACE-ing Philadelphia is building an expanded archive of cultural memory that includes multiple histories, re-place-ing the established with new narratives and understandings. Notes consider place via the street, sound, food, trees, and other portals.
Same location different dimension—a prose reference from a shade by the gate and on the road.
the way one perceives a line of travel stretched out before your eyes and a transient rooting for one’s walking strides has to do with when one fostered those memories of having walked that way
how one saw once upon an impression the lay of the land across the set of memory
the when and where of the circumstance
same location yet an obvious differentiation of generational perspective
take a look see at this for an example of notice on a say
a memorial on place long transferred into its own trans-morphing cadence of show
crossing roads of Diamond between 20th and 21st
reminiscent gestures of having seen there that which no longer exists
same place yet different dimension
my preadolescent eyes recall inside my decades on elder of a head
hawkers tailgating a sing on fruit, vegetable, fish first from horse-drawn conveyances
chickens for consequent table offerings staring out at us from wooden cages
later those same calls of chants floated off Oshun sweet tongues windowed from gas driven shorts
Ice man!!!
Got porgies, got sweet potatoes, greens and succulent melons!!!
ice man with his leather or burlap over shoulder
forceps rooted in the crystal shimmer of water fixed in freeze
horse waiting with blinders in place and bag of feed dropping loads for the street-sweep
eyes watching us in rapt observation stooped upon always washed down marble steps curious
we all awash with youthful inquisition
the experience of Time has its place named change
I remember the traveling funk of the 18 wheelers airing the hood with livestock on the way to some eastern slaughter passin’ through
and clothes lines on rolling pulls anchored across alleys from window to window
and poles holding lines for said breezing in yard after yard after yard
we played on the roofs of long gone brownstones one of which once I fell down going upstairs
same street now but different view