Submit a Field Note

Think About:
Philadelphia, its neighborhoods, places and spaces. 

What is the Philadelphia you remember?
What do you love about Philadelphia today?
What is the Philadelphia you imagine?

Enter a summary of your story or short description of your image, video, or audio field note. If your content type is a story, this will be featured in your content preview. Max 140 characters.
Drop files here to upload
Drag an image from your computer or browse to the file and upload it to feature an image in your field note. If your content type is a story or media field note, this image will override the automatically generated content preview.
More information
  • Files must be less than 8 MB.
  • Allowed file types: png gif jpg jpeg.
Enter the link to your video or audio field note hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, or SoundCloud. A thumbnail will be automatically generated for you, but you may override this by uploading an image above.

Enter the body of your text field note or, if desired, a longer description of your image, video, or audio field note. Basic formatting options are available.

If your Field Note has a specific location that you would like to tag, insert its address here.
By default, all field notes are moderated. Enter your e-mail address to be notified when your field note is approved and published on the website. Your e-mail will be kept private and will not be displayed on your field note.

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