Food Note

Food Note:
You Are What You Eat
by Musa Andrews

Re-PLACE-ing Philadelphia is building an expanded archive of cultural memory that includes multiple histories, re-place-ing the established with new narratives and understandings. Notes from invited artists and community members consider place via the street, sound, food, trees, rivers, and other portals. 

In a call for "food note" submissions, Re-PLACE-ing Philadelphia asked, "What kinds of food are available to you in your neighborhood and what are not?" This documentary created by Musa Andrews as part of Scribe Video Center's Documentary History Project for Youth directly addresses this question.


Musa Andrews is a Philadelphia high school student who participated in Scribe Video Center's Documentary History Project for Youth. You Are What You Eat explores individuals’ perspectives about their access to nutritious food in the neighborhoods in which they live and suggests some alternative ways that individuals could obtain nutritious and non-processed foods for consumption.



For more information about the Scribe Video Center's Documentary History Project for Youth visit their website.

Food Notes
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