Trail Note

Trail Note:
Schuylkill Trail State of Mind
by Kevin Horton
Re-PLACE-ing Philadelphia is building an expanded archive of cultural memory that includes multiple histories, re-place-ing the established with new narratives and understandings. Notes consider place via the street, sound, food, trees, and other portals.
In partnership with educator Joshua Block, students from Philadelphia's Science Leadership Academy are creating and publishing their Philadelphia Field Notes. Kevin Horton explains her experiences in jogging down the Trail.
The Schuylkill River trail has been a part of me since I started High school in 2012. Everyday since freshman year, I have been able to walk, run, and ride that trail as a beltway between my grandma’s house and school. Every time I go for a run or bike ride, I always seem to speed up when I pass the Vine Street Expressway (I-676). It’s like q “You can catch up! It’s possible!” moment. The Schuylkill River Trail is another foundation of my Philly experience. For your enjoyment, I have written three poems below. Thank you for reading.
10. Minutes, Just ten minutes up to Lloyd Hall.
9. AM Jog-a-thon.
8. Loopholes in my running shoes.
7. Weeks until the big race.
6. 76 Is full of traffic, yet again.
5. “Minutes guys! Be Ready!”
4. Stretches down.
3. /4 of a mile to the finish line.
2. Nd Place is the first place loser.
1. Get Ready For Lift off.
S.kating Is A Part of my blood
K.ickflips are my kryptonite like Garlic and Vampire.
A.lways trying my best to elevate, literally and figuratively
T.rail Blazing all the time.
E.veryone Is Killin’ it
V.ans sneakers are what will keep you from bailing.
I.n Rebellion against the lime-light.
L.ook like a pro.
L.ive like a learner.
E.volve your skate game at Paine’s.
“Happy Place”
What is your happy place?
Home? The Coffee Shop?
The street when you had
That first sour kiss, then a sweet one the next?
Well, Let me tell you about mine.
There’s this thin stretch of asphalt,
All the way from South Street To East Falls,
Cricket Quiet by night,
Buzzing With Bees and people by, day.
That is my happy place.